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C.V in brief
Professor Emeritus, Meiji Gakuin University
 Professor, University of Tehran Faculty of World Studies
 Surname & given name: Mohammad NAGHIZADEH.
 Place and date of birth:  TEHRAN, IRAN, 1January 1942 (11Day, 1320).
Language capabilities:     PERSIAN, JAPANESE, ENGLISH.
Current positions and rank: April 1, 201~ Emeritus Professor: Meiji Gakuin University (Japan)  
     January1, 2011~ Professor: University of Tehran Faculty of World Studies
April 1, 2005~ Member of Board of Directors, The Asian Population and Development Association (Japan)
Tel. :                         98-21-6111-9263
Fax :                         98-21-8863-0196
June 1965:         B.A.        Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran.
Sept. 1974:       Diploma     Osaka University of Foreign Languages Department
of Japanese Languages and Literature (Japan).
March 1977:      M.S.      Obihiro Chikusan University.(Japan) Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics,
March 1980:         Ph.D    Kyoto University (Japan),Faculty of Agriculture, Department of
Agricultural Economics,
Oct. 1967~71               Founder of Green Space and Landscape : Esfehan
Iron& Steel Complex and Fulad –Shaher.
January1972~March 1974   Free Researcher : Japanese Affaires.
April 1980~ March 1985     Assistance Professor, Kyoto University
April 1985-Marcch 1987      Associate Professor-,  Faculty of Law and Economics,
Chiba University.
April 1987~March 2010     Full Tenure Professor, Faculty of International Studies,
Meiji. Gakuin University.
April 1989~1992           Assistant Dean, Graduate School, Faculty of
International Studies, Meiji. Gakuin University.
April 1990~1992           Member of Board of University Council, Meiji Gakuin
April 1994~ March 2000   Director of Institute for International Studies. [1]
April 2002~ March 2004  Member of Board of University Council, Meiji Gakuin
April 2004~ March 2006  Member of Board of University Council, Meiji Gakuin
April 2005~                   Member of Board of Directors, The Asian Population
and Development Association (Japan)
April 2006~                  Member of International Peace Research Institute,
MeijiGakuin University
January 1,2011~             Invited Professor, University of Tehran Faculty of World Studies
-Member, Faculty Council ( April 1, 1985 ~March 31, 2010)
-Member, Board of University Council, three terms (1990~1992; 2002~2004; 2004~2006)
-Director, University Members Union (1987~1993)
-Chair, Financial Committee (1988~1990)
-Chair, International Exchange Committee (1994~1996)
-Chair, Open Public Courses (1994~2000)
-Chair, Students Committee (1998~2000)
-Chair, Library Committee (2008~2010)
July 2007~July 2010,  adjourn professor,  University of Tehran, Faculty of Economics.
.April 2007~ Sept.2007, visiting professor: University of Tehran Faculty of Economics, dispatched by Japan Foundation.
July~August 2003, Leader: Survey Mission to Pakistan, dispatched by Asian population and Development Association (Japan).
March~April 2003, Leader: Survey Mission to Afghanistan, dispatched by NIRA (National Institute for Research Advancement in Japan).
July~August, 2002, Member: Survey Mission to Uzbekistan dispatched by Asian population and Development Association (Japan).
July~August, 2001, Member: Survey Mission to Kazakhstan, dispatched by Asian population and Development Association(Japan).
April 2001~Sept.2000, Visiting Professor, University of Tehran Faculty of Economics, dispatched by Japan Foundation
Sept~Oct.1999, Leader, Survey Mission to Iran, dispatched by Asian population and Development  Association (Japan).
April 2001~Sept.2001, Visiting Professor, Beheshti University, Department of Economic & Law, dispatched by Japan Foundation.
August~ Sept 199,Leader:  Delegation from Meiji Gakuin University to Michigan University.
July~Oct.1988, Leader: Survey Mission to Iran, Iraq, Syria and Romania dispatched by Ministry of Higher Education of Japan
 Financial Capitalism Crisis- Wall Street Occupation,Enteshar Publication Co. 2012
 The Era of Financial Capitalism- The Structure of Power and Risk Business, Enteshar Publication Co.2010.
The Origin of Thought of National Economic Management –Japanese, Chinese and Iranian, Enteshar Publishing Co. 2008.
The Origins of Economic Thought and Development in Japan-Continuity and Change, 2 Vols, Enteshar Publishing Co. 2006 (supported by Japan Foundation Publication Assistance).
The Challenges of Economic Reconstruction of Afghanistan, (co-author)Nihon Keizai-sha,) 2004.
Trans-nationalization of Media-The Changes of Information and Cognition (Ajia Shin Seki Series No 6), (co-author),  Iwanami Shoten, 2004.
Toward the 21st Century -The Japanese Economy and Economic Development
of Asian Countries, Enteshar Publishing Co. 1998 (supported by Japan Foundation Publication Assistance).
Collision between two Market Systems-Currency and Economic Crisis in East
Asia, Enteshar  Publication Co.1998.
 Japan: Its War and Reconstruction Economic Policy, Enteshar Publication Co. 1994 (supported by Japan Foundation Publication Assistance).
Japan: Its Economic Security Policy since the Second World War, Enteshar Publication Co. 1986.
 The Role of Framers Self-collective Action and Cooperatives in Agricultural Development, Tokyo University of Foreign Languages, 1984.
 Bushiddo: The Soul of Japan, Enteshar Publication Company,2010
After Shock: The Next Economy and American Future (under publication, 2013)
 Some Papers:
Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran – The Hidden Assets of Japanese Diplomacy and Its Role in West Asia Region,Annual Report of Institute for International Studies, Dec.2009.
The Asian Nuclear Issues and Peace Process – The Relations between America and Japan, PRIME No.30 (International Peace Research Institute), Oct. 2009.
Afghanistan Economic Reconstruction – The Role of Japan and Iran- APDA No 105 (Population & Development). April 2009.
The Origins of Japanese Economic DevelopmentPriority of Theoretical Economics or Economic Thought Prevailed-Development and Society, The JapanFoundation, 2008.
Fiercely Battle for Limited Food, Do for Others, No.2 (Meiji Gakuin University), 2008.
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution: A Hidden Asset of Japanese Diplomacy and Its Significance in World History, PRIME No.26. Oct. 2007.
Agricultural Problems in Afghanistan- With Special Consideration to the Poppy Cultivation JAICAF(JapanAssociation for International Collaboration of Agriculture and Forestry). January 2005.
The Economy of Pakistan and Japanese Assistance Policy, The Asian Population and Development, March 2004.
Regional Inequality: Converging or Diverging (A Commentary paper) Institute for International Studies (Meiji Gakuin University), March 2004.
The Problems of Agricultural Sector in Uzbekistan and Japanese Assistance Policy,The Asian Population and Development. March 2003.
The Troubled Agricultural Sector of Kazakhstan, International & Regional Studies, Sept. 2002.
International Collaboration Network for Assistance to Kazakhstan, The Asian Population and Development, March 2002.
Emerging Market and the Currency Crisis in Turkey, Total, Nov.2001.
The Era of Global Standard or the Age of Diversities? Kyoritsu Research Institute, No.73, 2000.
Correlation between Institutionalized Economic System and Economic Development, Annual Report of Institute for International Studies, Nov. 2, Dec.1999.
Iranian Economy and Its Relation with Japanese Economy, The Asian Population and Development. March 1998.
Asian Agriculture and Food Crisis. Riron to Undo: Nogyo Shokuryo, No 1, January1997.
Economic Noble Prize, Institutional Economics and Japanese Experiences, International & Regional Studies, No.16, March 1997.
World Rice Market Fluctuation, Sorin-sha, Oct.1994.
World Labor Migration from the Perspective of Detaching Countries- A Comparative Studies between Japan, Korea, Iran and Philippine- The Studies in Economics and Trade Vol. 18 (Kanagawa University), March 1992.
Islamic Economic School, Tokyo University, Institution for Oriental Research, No115, March 1991.
Economic Development of Iran, Chiba University Economic Review, No.1, 1986.
A New Rural Organization after the Revolution in Iran, Tsushin, (Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa-Japan), 1984.
Iran and Japan’s Relationship at Glance, Ajia to Nihon (Institute for Social Issues in Asia) August, 1980.
A Conceptual Analysis of Cooperative within the Context of Agricultural Development, Kenkyu to Kyoiku (Kyoto University) March, 1979.
Farm Corporation and Agricultural Problem of Iran, Journal of Rural Problems No.55 (Noringyo Mondai), 1979.
The Problems of Agricultural Development in Iran,Nogyo to Keizai, January, 1979.
Group Farming and Economic Development in Developing Countries, Kenkyu to Kyoiku (Kyoto University), March, 1978.
 The Book of Spring Season: The Book House of Iran for:  The Structure of Power and Risk Business at the Age of Financial Capitalism, Sept. 2010.
 Professor Emeritus :  Meiji Gakuin University  April 1, 2010~
The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette (Imperial Government of Japan) : for the contribution to the education and research development of Japanese universities], Nov.2008,
The Book of the Year (Iranian Government): for The Origins of Japanese Economic Thought and Development- Continuity and Change、2 Vols,  Nov.2006.
Japanese Economic Association
Japanese Economic History Society
Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
Japanese Agricultural Management Society
Japan Economic Policy Association
The Operation Research Society of Japan


[1]The first foreigner to be ever elected as a Director of an academic institute in Japan.

[2] Titles of all Japanese books or papers are translated to English in this C.V, excluding scholarly journal `s name
